Another Authentink Update! | Authent/Ink

The crew at Authentink have made it into Inked Artists!

Check out some awesome pictures of Chris, Hitomi and Kei’s work in the latest issue!

Inked Artists Authentink Chris Hitomi Kei

Kei did an awesome job with this Phoenix 1/2 sleeve on a brave client who sat 2 days straight to finish it off!

Kei Authentink Phoenix

Kei has also done some fantastic smaller tattoos on some walk-ins!

Kei AuthentinkKei Authentink Koi Brushstroke Kei Authentink Script


Kian has started work on a couple more back pieces! A snake and warrior battle, and a beautiful Pheonix.

1620378_10203454811754344_181970037_nKian Forreal Phoenix Aurh

Hitomi has also added some colour to a beautiful Geisha! Gorgeous!


Thanks for checking out the Authentink page,

keep an eye out for updates in the future!


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