Whilst the cooler months are easier and more comfortable to heal new tattoos, summer is the busiest and most popular time of year to get tattooed. Maybe it’s because our arms and legs are bare for the world to see, and so we imagine our skin adorned with new tattoos and just can’t wait to get it done!
But there are definitely some things to consider before committing to your summer tattoo… and here are 2 BIG things to consider!
1) Do you have a summer beach holiday coming up? Sun and sand do not mix well with fresh, healing tattoos! Whilst you can shower as normal after a new tattoo, it is important to NOT SUBMERGE your fresh tattoo into water. This means no swimming in the ocean or pools or spas or baths. You will need to be able to keep your tattoo clean from sand, dirt and grime. It is also a bad idea to drink lots of coconut pina coladas before, after or during your tattoo. Alcohol can have a thinning affect on your blood, which can cause excess bleeding which then affects the healing time and quality of your tattoo! If you do plan on getting tattooed at the end of your summer holiday, ensure you do not get sunburnt of excessively tanned, as this will definitely affect your ability to get tattooed!
2) Keep em’ covered! If you like to hang out in the sun, a fresh tattoo is a no-no! To get the best healing results on your new tattoo, it is advisable to keep your tattoo away from direct and prolonged sun exposure. Not only will it feel sensitive and may even be painful in the sun, the UV rays can cause damage to the brightness of the pigments in your tattoo after even just short exposure. Your skin will already feel sensitive, so exposing it the more damage is a very bad idea as it leads to the ink falling out quickly or fading!
Summer is a great time to get tattooed- if you know how to look out for! As long as you take care of your tattoo properly, then you can get tattooed in any season! In hotter times, be sure to keep your tattoo covered, out of the sea/ocean/bathtub, and especially OUT OF THE SUN!